The Cyber Security Club at UC Davis has earned 3rd Place in Defense and 4th Place Overall in the Western Regional Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition!...
The Cyber Security Club at UC Davis has secured a spot in the top 8 at the Western Regional Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition qualifier...
Hello all, I'm graduating from UC Davis in Spring 2024. With that, my time running Cyber Security Club at UC Davis is coming to a close...
Hello all. Officer applications are open for the 2023-2024 year...
I hope you enjoyed your summer. Thank you to all who participated in the Summer Sundae CTF...
As promised, our main plan for this summer is the Summer Sundae CTF!!...
Based on feedback from our members, the club is now using a calendar to coordinate our events...
Help us form our Club Directives for the 2022-2023 academic year. Please fill out this form.
We are opening our first round of officer applications for the 2022-2023 academic year. The first round of officer applications are closed to students who have attended at least two meetings this academic year...
Cowsay is Cyber Security Club at UC Davis' most competitive CTF team. Interested in taking on more competitions, competing against others, and reaching the very top? Join cowsay!
We hope everyone had a happy new year. For Winter Quarter 2022 we will have our regular meetings Thursdays from 5:30pm-7:00pm in Kemper 1131, starting week February 3rd, as health policies still permit...
Our officers Victor and Mack are graduating soon, please congratulate them if you have the chance! We’re opening up some new officer positions to help distribute the workload of club activities...
Our first meeting was so great! Thank you to all of those who came. For those of you who attended our first meeting, we discussed that we wanted to participate in the National Cyber League competition. If you would like to commit to participating in NCL with us, please fill out this form...
Computer passwords are one of the first methods developed to secure accounts. Computer science historians have said that people first used computer passwords in the 1960s. However, the importance of keeping accounts secure has significantly evolved since then...